New skin server

My previous provider locked some PHP features and the user skin submission wasn’t working anymore.
I moved my skin website to a new VPS (virtual private server) and everything is back to normal.
Be sure you updated the application to see last skins from this server.

Jelly Bean update for Nexus S causing troubles

All users of Nexus S users are reporting troubles with Pure widgets when they applied the Jelly Bean update.

This issue is general to Android and affect a lot of paid applications.

This issue is known from Google and reported here

The problem seems to be related to default install location for this ROM (install on external memory, which is not possible for widgets).

A workaround is to use Titanium backup to make a backup and then uninstall the apps (using Titanium backup). Then use Titanium backup to re-install the apps and the widgets are here to stay 😉

EDIT 11/10/2012 : the issue is now solve in Google Android code, but it will be published only in the next Android release (4.1.2 or 4.2).

Pure calendar & Pure Grid calendar now supports MyPhoneExplorer tasks display

After few days of work with Franz josef Wechselberger, the MyPhoneExplorer dev, Pure widgets now supports display Outlook tasks without any Exchange server.
MyPhoneExplorer is a sync tool to allow direct sync between Outlook and your Android phone. It can sync multiple datas such as tasks, calendars, contacts, notes … It works by Wifi, bluetooth, or USB.

You can find much more informations about MPE on their official website.

Birthdays for Pure

I received many users emails or comments about the new ‘read contacts’ permission required by Pure calendar and Pure Grid calendar to read birthdays from the phone contact book.

I understand your concern, and I decided to export this new feature to a plugin to remove this permission.

‘Birthdays for Pure widgets’ plugin is now available on the market.
His goal is to extract the birthdays from the contact book, and provide them to Pure widgets.
With this plugin, the native Pure calendar and Pure Grid calendar widgets doesn’t require the ‘Read contacts’ permission anymore.

Check here to find it on the market.

How to display your contact birthdays ?
-> install the ‘Birthdays for Pure widgets’ plugin from the Android Market
-> enter the widget configuration panel
-> go to agenda/calendar tab
-> press ‘select calendars’ button
-> enable the ‘[Contacts] Birthdays’ calendar.