Back to Google Moderator suggestions

I am wondering about some Google Moderator suggestions :

For Pure calendar : “A point-and-click way to add an appointment”.
Why don’t you want to use the classic event insertion from the stock calendar ? you can assign it to the ‘+’ icon.
Why do you want an addition UI ?
You want something more simple ?

Pure calendar : “Ability to force event data to multiple lines, ie: line 1 – even name, line 2 – location, line 3 – time of event”
I’ll add it during next days.
EDIT 06/29/2010: done

Pure calendar : “Add an option to have the TAG Name in the end of Tasks shown in the widget. Like: Buy Milk [Personal] This would allow to identify the source of the the Task”
I’ll add it during next days.

Pure messenger : “Contextual menu items — for example, when you click the “twitter” icon in list view, I don’t want to see Facebook or SMS options.”
Yes, I am think about it. It will require some work to split features : in the list view, message icon type will be contextual, and a new icon at the bottom will allow non contextual message action.

One thought on “Back to Google Moderator suggestions

  1. Pure messenger : “Contextual menu items — for example, when you click the “twitter” icon in list view, I don’t want to see Facebook or SMS options.”
    Yes, I am think about it. It will require some work to split features : in the list view, message icon type will be contextual, and a new icon at the bottom will allow non contextual message action.

    It would be cool if you would add an option/icon to launch the standard application?

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